Our Landing Page Gallery

Factors on why you should choose to have a landing page with Mailchimp email integration
Integration with Unbounce
Unbounce has a strong integration with Mailchimp out of the box. All we need is your Mailchimp API Key to get started. When building landing pages in Unbounce we integrate with Mailchimp and map the fields with form elements. We also include hidden fields which can help to analyse and segment users in Mailchimp.
Custom Integration
Using Mailchimp API we can capture leads from custom landing pages we built and pass them securely over to Mailchimp. To get started using custom logic you need to send us your Mailchimp API key which we can include in the code library.
Wordpress Integration
Wordpress undoubtedly has powerful Mailchimp plugins and apps which work seamlessly with custom built Wordpress sites. For our customers we have used Mailchimp plugins for different purposes. This could be to capture email signups with contact forms or capture leads on the landing page and pass them over to Mailchimp.
Split Testing
To maximise conversions/sign-ups we use split testing to check which variation converts the best. A typical example could be to test a variation with few form fields e.g. just email or you can come up with a variation where the page length is different. There are lots of tests you can run and as an agency we specialise in setting up tests which are effective.
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