Example of Lead Generation Landing Pages

Factors which you can use to increase sign-ups on your Lead Generation Landing Pages
Target Audience
Depending on what visitors you want to target, your page should influence the right segment depending on the where they are in your marketing funnel. E.g. If you are planning out your Bottom of the Funnel Lead Generation, then a good idea would be to capture email and phone number.

Skim Friendly Copy
As the attention span of visitors has considerably dropped, try using easy to read text copy. Highlight the biggest reasons why visitors should sign up on your lead capture page.

Social Proof
Using Numbers in the headline by showing how many users have signed up makes the reader think “ Well, if all of those users signed up it must be worth checking out!”

Choosing The Right Call to Action
The Call-to-Action (CTA) button has to be the centre of attention on lead generation pages. The page can have multiple of these CTA buttons placed along the page. Choose your CTA text selectively and make it very specific to the kind of offer you are presenting on your landing page.
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